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Teesside High School is judged to be Excellent by the Independent Schools Inspectorate
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“The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent. Pupils achieve a high rate of progress in changes to their attainment levels over time.”
“Communication skills are a real strength of the pupils. In discussions, pupils were highly articulate and were able to express their opinions in a mature, confident manner and with great clarity…They are insightful and perceptive beyond their years.”
“Pupils’ academic achievements outside the curriculum are excellent, at local, regional and national level. Many pupils throughout the school achieve notable success in sporting, musical, artistic and cultural arenas, both individually and in teams.” – ISI, 2022
Furthermore, Teesside High School passed its Regulatory Compliance Inspection in October 2017, meeting all Standards and being judged to be fully compliant.
ISI Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report April 2022
ISI Regulatory Compliance Report October 2017
ISI Integrated Inspection Report October 2013
We are extremely proud of our reputation for academic success and delighted to strengthen this further with another round of excellent A-level and GCSE results in August 2024. Please note, due to our independent school status, our Key Stage 4 results are not always accurately reflected in the Department for Education league tables. For up to date facts, figures and comparisons, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are a small school which punches above its weight; our examination results rival some of the most academically selective schools in the entire North East region.
A-level pupils at Teesside High School make more progress than at any post-16 provider in Teesside, the has Department for Education revealed (February, 2025).
THS Sixth Form has the highest Progress Score of 16 post-16 schools and colleges across Stockton-on-Tees, Middlesbrough, Hartlepool, Darlington and Redcar and Cleveland.
The league table outcome places Teesside High School in the top 2% of A-level providers nationally, and in the top 100 schools or colleges in the UK.
A Progress Score evaluates how much better a student performs against what is expected given their prior examination results.
Teesside High School is the only school or college in the Tees Valley to have its Progress Score measure rated as ‘well above average’ at 0.42, meaning pupils, on average, achieve A-level results almost half a grade higher than their predictions suggest.
Read more about our value-added results here.
Teesside High School students celebrated a 100% A-level pass rate for the sixth successive year in August 2024.
Amongst a host of first choice university offers for students, we are particularly proud to continue our outstanding track record for applicants in medicine; every single pupil has been successful in securing their place at university in this highly selective field in our Sixth Form’s history.
Almost 40% of all examination entries at THS were awarded the highest possible grades 9-7 (A**-A) in 2024. Over a third of the cohort secured 5 or more 9-7 grades.
The school also recorded an improved 5 grades at 9-4 pass rate (including English and mathematics), and 81% of students secured 5 GCSEs at 9-4.
Early Years pupils at Teesside High School achieve above and beyond their potential; they consistently outperform their counterparts on both a national and regional basis, in both independent and state settings.
Our Nursery and Reception pupils’ progress was highlighted during our ISI Inspection:
“Academic data for Prep School pupils and evidence of the excellent development levels of EYFS children, as reflected in the most recent nationally validated attainment results…show attainment levels well above those usually expected for their age.”
“Children in EYFS organise their learning with a high level of independence and choose stimulating activities, often opting for academically focused ones.”
We are proud to be one of the North East's leading independent schools. Enquire today to join our school family.