
Co-Curricular at THS Sixth Form

We encourage all students to participate in our exceptional range of co-curricular opportunities to enrich their time at THS Sixth Form.

There is a variety of activities ranging from choir, orchestra, drama and film clubs, Duke of Edinburgh, kayaking and dance, for example. Our Tycoon in Schools programme is exceptionally successful and allows students to experience life running a start up business, with profits being donated to charity.

Students can also become involved with the rest of the school and our wider community, often in a leadership capacity. Year 13s have the opportunity to stand for Games Captain or House Captain to lead each House, or to act as Head Boy or Head Girl. Other members of the Sixth Form become Subject Prefects, run clubs such as Debating Society, or act as mentors to younger pupils. Some volunteer in the Prep School by listening to younger children read.

Each year, Sixth Form students organise a Christmas Party in a local day centre for the elderly, as well as organising fundraising activities for Children in Need and our highly successful Macmillan Coffee Morning. We also respond to students’ needs to relax in a safe and relaxed environment, with events like Halloween and Christmas decorating parties, as well as some joint activities with Year 11 such as cooking together on Pancake Day and arranging bowling trips. A social committee with representatives from each form meets to decide on destinations for meals out, fundraising opportunities, and purchases to further improve our facilities.

Physical Education is an important part of the Sixth Form curriculum. All students are expected to partake in a weekly enrichment to allow students to continue to develop a sporting interest, to introduce them to a range of additional sports and to further encourage physical activity as part of their healthy lifestyle.

A range of activities, both competitive (e.g. hockey, netball, basketball and football) and more recreational (e.g. trampolining, volleyball etc.) are offered on and off site (some activities such as Golf and Kayaking may incur an additional charge). Our state of the art Fitness Suite is available for Sixth Form use each Wednesday afternoon and in free time or after school until 5.30pm each evening. The suite is a wonderful environment which encourages students to balance their work with some relaxation and healthy activity.

Sporting interests are pursued to district, county and national level and inter-college matches take place on a regular basis, depending on the interests and aptitudes of the cohort.

Whole School Open Day
Our next Open Day will take place on Saturday 1 February 2025. Register your details today to receive further information and a convenient time for an Open Day tour.