Why should I choose Teesside High School?
Friday 20 January 2023 | By System AdminThe move from Year 6 to Year 7 can be daunting for some children; we work closely with each individual pupil to ensure their personal transition into Senior School is as smooth and seamless as possible.
We recently asked the parents of our 2022 Year 7 cohort for feedback on how they found the transition and how their child has settled into their new learning environment. We wanted to share with you the wonderful feedback we received to help you make the decision of why you should choose Teesside High School.
“My son transitioned into the school almost effortlessly, which must be due to the welcoming and supportive atmosphere he’s encountered. During autumn term we’ve already seen his confidence levels improving at activities outside school, mirroring his improving confidence at school” – Year 7 Parent
“The pastoral care has been exceptional. We can’t thank Mrs Connolly enough for the support we received each time we asked for help” – Year 7 Parent
“We are really pleased with our son’s transition to THS, he was definitely ready for secondary school, however I think that it was made so much easier by the transition days and the things that you did so he could meet his fellow classmates, such as the bowling event and the team building day that they had before the whole school started. It all ensured he was ready to go.” – Year 7 Parent
“Moving our son to Teesside High School has been the best decision we ever made. The staff are incredibly attentive, caring and honest. I feel my son has been nurtured and has grown in confidence. Every single member of staff including the teaching, both Heads of schools and support staff are always there if needed and to provide information. I would highly recommend this school to absolutely anyone who asks.” – Year 7 Parent
“Communication has been excellent between the school and parents, the EduLink app is really useful in order to track his homework and progress and the parents’ evening was well timed to give us a benchmark as to how he is progressing. Our son is really happy at the school and it’s lovely to see him thriving there. It is just what we wanted for him.” – Year 7 Parent
“Choosing Teesside High has been absolutely the right decision for our daughter. The many carefully planned transition events meant that she had made lots of friends even before Year 7 had started, which filled us, and her, with confidence. Since joining the school, she is thriving academically, is cared for by a wonderful pastoral team, and has taken up the vast array of opportunities to extend and enhance her learning experience at THS, through things such as sport, music, trips and house events to name just a few. We couldn’t wish for a better place.” – Year 7 Parent