Teesside High School Sixth Form ranked 13th best in country
Thursday 29 November 2018 | By Samantha HockneyTeesside High School has been named amongst the best performing schools in another national league table.
THS Sixth Form has been named the 13th best small independent sixth form in the UK by The Telegraph; the only provider in the North East in the top 20 based on the proportion of students achieving A*/A grades at A-level.
This year, Teesside High School students achieved record A*-A results, with an 11% increase on 2017. 64% of all A-level grades were A*-B and half of all student secured three straight high grades.
Kirsty Mackenzie, Head at Teesside High School, said: “We are so proud to once again be recognised for our students’ academic achievements on a national level.
“Excellent examination results paint only part of the picture of our wonderful school; we are renowned for small classes, outstanding pastoral care, exceptional co-curricular activities and, at sixth form, a unique pre-university environment which inspires our young people to achieve great things.
“In 2018, our A-level students achieved places at the likes of Cambridge University, Edinburgh University and the University of Valencia, as well as securing competitive higher apprenticeships and career opportunities. We offer a very personalised journey and our size allows us to give each individual unrivalled one-to-one guidance on progression.”