Reception class achieves record results in national attainment profile
Thursday 04 July 2019 | By Samantha HockneyWe are thrilled to announce that the Reception class at Teesside High School has this year achieved a staggering 100% Good Level of Development (GLD), which is the national measure of attainment at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage. The national average last year was 71.5%.
At Teesside High School, discrete assessment is ongoing in Early Years but the official Early Years Profile is completed for each child at the end of Reception.
In the profile, children are awarded a Good Level of Development based on their attainment in a number of key areas. Children are deemed to have secured GLD if they have achieved the Early Learning Goals in the EYFS curriculum areas of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language Development, Literacy and Mathematics.
Nikki Clapton, Early Years Lead at Teesside High School, said: “We are delighted with such a wonderful cohort of children who are eager to learn and work independently.
“These results continue to display that Teesside High School children exceed expectations in many areas of the EYFS curriculum.”