IPC Exhibition – Prep School
Thursday 15 February 2024 | By System AdminThis week, Prep School pupils hosted their much anticipated IPC Exhibition. This event brought together all of the children from Year 1 to Year 6, all of whom are currently studying IPC units linked to the human body. Parents were invited to shared the children’s learning and to see the progression through the different mileposts.
Year 1 and 2 showcased a lovely art gallery of their optical illusions as well as some super clay face models. Having considered the senses in detail, the children tested their parents to see if they could guess the smell of a number of different tubs.
Year 3 and 4 were on a mission to give their parents a full MOT! They had their eyes and ears tested as well as being shown how to look after their teeth. Some of our AG&T children demonstrated some excellent micro bit coding skills to round off some very informative presentations from our milepost 2 children.
Not to be outdone, Year 5 and 6 also presented a host of information. They performed their heart drama to help visualise the circulatory system, tested parents to see whether they could name the bones and explain their functions, showed a visual demonstration of the digestive system as well as discussing inherited characteristics and the debate of nature versus nature.
Some of our Upper Prep children also showcased some of their learning from their previous units, 900CE and Fairgrounds, the children sharing their learning about forces, the most appropriate method for making shadows look scary for a ghost train ride, presenting their pin ball machines and explaining the structure of Mayan society. These examples are by no means exhaustive but demonstrate that the children had a busy hour, showcasing their learning to their attentive parents.
We received lots of positive feedback about the event, with one parent commenting ‘I can’t believe they know so much at such a young age. Their confidence to explain their learning is excellent.’
Thank you to everyone who supported our event. We hope this has given an insight into our IPC curriculum which is so highly valued at THS.
Find out more information about the International Primary Curriculum here.
Mrs Kennedy