Head’s Blog – Teesside High School
Monday 07 October 2019 | By Samantha HockneyMany thanks to our parent body for your support at our recent Teesside High School Open Day. It was wonderful to see so many of you enjoying the Coffee Morning which was so brilliantly organised by our Year 12 students. We raised almost £200 for Macmillan Cancer Support which gives us an excellent platform to build further charitable fundraising upon throughout the year.
Can I also thank the group of parents who attended this week’s Friends of THS ‘PTA’ meeting? The PTA has lots of ideas for small social activities that we are hoping to put in place during the academic year. I wanted to highlight, however, the larger scale events we have planned for the coming months so that you can save the dates in your diaries and co-ordinate with friends.
Tuesday 5 November will see our Family Fireworks Display make a triumphant return. Everyone is welcome, not just Teesside High School families, so please do spread the word. Tickets are now available to purchase from Reception – don’t miss out!
On Saturday 7 December we will host our annual Christmas Market. We are expecting a large range of beautiful market stalls alongside competitions and raffles, and possibly a visit from Father Christmas himself!
Following on from our successful Summer Fair last year, we will once again organise a bumper festival event on Saturday 13 June 2020.
Finally, I would like to draw your attention to an event which I hope everyone can support – the THS Spring Ball. It has been a number of years since we last hosted a Parents’ Ball and we have lots of ideas around themes; I do hope you can encourage a few friends and support us in this endeavour.
Whilst we are still in the planning stages, the date has been confirmed as Saturday 28 March 2020 and we are looking for anyone who could help us – including sponsorship for welcome drinks, flowers or table settings, or if any parents have a connection to companies who could provide tables, seating, compere or an auction prize. If you can contribute in any way I would be delighted to hear from you.
I sincerely hope we can make this academic year a real opportunity for our parental body to come together and celebrate all that is great about our wonderful school.
Read our latest newsletter here.
Mrs K Mackenzie
Head, Teesside High School