Head’s Blog – School Events
Friday 23 June 2023 | By System AdminAs we hurdle towards the end of term, there is so much to update you on – from Sports Days, Music tours and pupil productions to LAMDA examinations, pastoral events and creative arts exhibitions – our school events have not stopped since our return from half term!
School Events
Last week gave us the chance to see our future year group cohorts come together, as our summer term Transition Days took place. Our Prep School pupils got the chance to experience a day in their new year groups ahead of September and had a great time making new friends and meeting their teachers. I saw pupils leaving school laden with pizza boxes, holding their paper rollercoasters and ready to take on the ultimate marble rolling challenge – and I think it’s safe to say they enjoyed seeing what the year ahead will bring in Prep.
We also welcomed all of the new pupils who will be joining us in September from schools in the local community. From Nursery to Year 7, we were thrilled to see so many new faces enjoying their first taste of life at Teesside High School. A huge thank you to all of our current students who assisted as mentors on the day.
Last Friday, parents and grandparents joined our Prep School for an exciting Early Years Father’s Day assembly. They sang their songs fantastically and told us all about why they loved their dads and grandads. Not a dry eye in the house!
It was also great to see so many of our Prep School families at Sports Day last Friday afternoon. As you can see from our front page, it was a glorious day and I am very proud of all of our pupils for joining in and trying their best, as ever.
Yesterday, I spent my evening at Wynyard Golf Club for our Year 11 Prom. I cannot believe how grown up our students looked, and I was proud to see them stood before us, as the young adults they are today, ready to take on their next challenge.
It has been a very busy day so far for Pastoral Day. Senior School students have taken part in a range of activities including team building, social media awareness and talks with organisations such as Cleveland Fire Brigade and Brook Advisory. This day is an exemplary addition to our fantastic pastoral provision at THS and I hope students have enjoyed this aspect of their personal development.
I hope you enjoy reading the latest edition of THiS Week, have a lovely weekend!
Read the latest newsletter here.
Mrs K Mackenzie, Head