Teesside High School – Head’s Blog – June
Friday 25 June 2021 | By Samantha HockneyWith just two weeks left until the summer break, we are packing as much fun and enrichment into the school day as we can!
Indeed, today, all of our Prep pupils are enjoying a fantastic trip to Lightwater Valley! We hope they have an amazing day celebrating the near end of the academic year. Senior and Sixth Form pupils have a week or so to wait until their Rewards Trip to Flamingo Land; we are sure they will have equally as much fun.
The three weeks after half term have provided an opportunity for elements of our provision not seen or experienced in the last 14 months to make a welcome return; trips and visits, House assemblies, House competitions, Choir, Orchestra, Drama Club and, a highlight for many I’m sure, visitor attendance at Prep School Sports Day. It was simply wonderful to have parents and grandparents back on site, cheering from the sidelines as our youngest pupils competed in this much-missed event. Your feedback over the weekend was heartwarming to receive:
I just wanted to pass my thanks onto all the wonderful teachers at Teesside High School that made today possible. It was lovely to see all the children competing and having fun. You make it look so easy, but I’m sure it takes a lot of planning, effort, organisation and execution behind the scenes.
It was such a lovely feeling to be back part of the school community, and all of the hard work in organising the event was evident. Thank you very much again, memories like today are what it’s all about!
Of course, there are logistical challenges to overcome as we continue to navigate Covid-19 restrictions and guidance but I am eternally grateful for your support with allocated seating and lateral flow testing. The Senior Sports Day is next on our calendar and we cannot wait!
As a final note, I want to add a polite reminder regarding parking. As we continue our seamless drop-off and collection procedures, I must ask parents to park up and allow their children to leave their cars in a safe, designated space – not in a queue of traffic or over a zebra crossing. Our school community’s safety is paramount and I urge you to drive and park sensibly and safely at all times.
Thank you for your support. I hope you enjoy reading our latest newsletter.
Mrs K Mackenzie, Head