Head’s blog – January 2024
Friday 19 January 2024 | By System AdminA warm welcome to parents and pupils reading our first newsletter of 2024 and also to those catching up with our news and events at their visit to our final Open Day of the academic year. I am delighted you have taken the time to come along and learn more about what our school has to offer.
As you can see from the front page, we all enjoyed a wonderful school ski trip in December. It was fantastic to see our students’ resilience when facing the challenges of the slopes and watching them make memories with their friends was a joy. Thank you to the staff who accompanied me and planned this memorable experience.
I would like to say a huge well done to our Year 11 and 12 students who sat their mock examinations when they returned from the festive break. I am sure that this experience has helped you prepare for your examinations in the summer.
Our spring co-curricular activities are back with a bang, with a mix of sporting activities on offer. There is Golf at Yarm Driving Range, basketball and gymnastics, or competitive team sports such as netball, hockey and rugby. There are some fantastic creative arts opportunities to dive into, including Sewing Bee, rehearsals for the upcoming Oliver! Production, Art Club and Crochet, and on the academic front, Japanese, Further Maths, Programming Club, or GCSE Astronomy. There really is something for everyone! Our incoming Year 7 cohort had a taste of these opportunities during their first full visit to the Senior School last week. I hope that they all had an amazing day and are looking forward to the start of Year 7 in September.
On Wednesday 31 January we are hosting our annual THS Careers Convention. This is a superb event which allows students to meet experts in their fields on a one-to-one basis, discovering possible future careers and gather valuable information for future study and career pathways. Please confirm your attendance using the Google Form circulated.
I am looking forward to seeing what 2024 brings for our pupils.
You can read our latest newsletter here.
Mrs K Mackenzie, Head