Head’s Blog – Family Fireworks Display
Friday 17 November 2023 | By System AdminFamily Fireworks Display
Although we have only been back in school for two weeks, we have welcomed parents and visitors through the doors for a number of special events. Our THS Family Fireworks Display was back with a bang at the end of the half term break and for the third year running, tickets had sold out. Family and friends of THS were able to witness a fantastic display whilst enjoying refreshments and hot food provided by our catering team. Our Pumpkin Competition entries were brilliant and a huge well done goes to our winners Ava and Lottie McCann and Harriet Austin. I would also like to thank one of our parents who made a generous donation to support the event, which went a long way towards the cost of the fireworks.
Transition Day
Last Tuesday, our Year 11 students attended their Sixth Form Transition Day. This day follows our recent Sixth Form Open Evening and gives pupils the chance to find out more about subjects they are considering studying at post-16 and live a day in the life of a THS Sixth Form student. I hope the day was useful in shaping those important decisions as Year 11 approach the half-way point in their final school year.
Remembrance Service
Last Friday, our school community gathered for our annual Remembrance Service. It was lovely to see many of our friends and neighbours join us. Thank you to Mark White, OBE Deputy Lieutenant of County Durham, and Reverend Matt Levinsohn from All Saints Church who were our special guests on the day.
School Trips
On Monday, I travelled to Read School with a group of students participating in the World Challenge trip. The group completed a team building workshop with the pupils they will travel to Norway with in July 2024. And still, our bumper foreign trips and visits list grows – Miss O’Byrne has this week launched a trip for Years 7-12 to the beautiful city of Kraków! You can find out more about this opportunity in the letter circulated earlier this week.
With Christmas just around the corner, we have many exciting activities planned for the rest of the term. With Children in Need Day today, Senior School Speech Day on Friday 1 December, Prep School Nativity on Friday 8 December and many more trips and visits before the big day itself, we look forward to seeing what our students achieve in this busy term.
Read our latest school newsletter here.
Mrs K Mackenzie, Head