Head’s Blog – December 2019
Monday 16 December 2019 | By Samantha HockneyI hope you enjoy reading the final school newsletter of the autumn term. It is once again an action-packed edition which showcases talent and success across the length and breadth of our wonderful school.
In my position as Head, I am often humbled by our students, particularly their quiet, unassuming yet unwavering willingness to help others. This shines through more so at this time of year than any other. I was moved to tears this week seeing the amount of donations that came flooding through the doors in our final days collecting for Mission Christmas and the foodbank at the Hebron Church in Stockton. It was also wonderful to hear Euan and Harrison in Year 10 speak so eloquently about the work we do as a school to contribute to our local community on BBC Tees yesterday. You can listen back to their interview, which aired at around 10.45am on Wednesday 11 December, using BBC Sounds.
Similarly, Teesside High School students continue to astound me with their work ethic and determination to achieve their very best. Last week’s Bravo celebration was the first of its kind and an event we hope will inspire each and every one of our pupils to enjoy the fruits of their hard work. It was simply wonderful to see pupils from as young as Year 2 mixing with students in Year 11 and the Sixth Form, supporting one another in their quest to produce outstanding work they are truly proud of. I am grateful to Mrs Harrington for putting on such a marvellous celebration for our students.
As we head into the Christmas break, Year 11-13 students should continue to focus on the impending mock examinations, which take place upon our return to school. A timetable will be circulated to ensure each student plans and executes an effective revision strategy over the holidays.
I hope your family enjoys a peaceful break. I look forward to welcoming pupils back to school on Monday 6 January, when we will start to look forward to our New Year events such as Open Day (Saturday 25 January) and the PTA Spring Ball, which takes place in March.
Read our latest newsletter here.
Mrs K Mackenzie
Head, Teesside High School