Head’s blog – Coronation Celebrations
Friday 05 May 2023 | By System AdminCoronation Celebrations
After a long break, it is lovely to see the school corridors buzzing once again as we begin an extremely important final few weeks of the year, particularly for those at the top of the school. This week, we painted the school red, white and blue as we marked the start of our Coronation celebrations. Yesterday, the whole school came together in a special assembly as we discussed the historic nature of the event and what it means for our country. Our assembly re-enacted the entire Coronation ceremony – complete with King (Mr Atkinson), Archbishop of Canterbury (Mr Griffiths), Dean of Westminster (Joseph, Year 11) and Footmen (Satvik and Piano, Year 12). We had so much fun sharing the journey the King will take tomorrow.
Today our Prep School pupils are decked out in red, white and blue for a special non-uniform day and we are all looking forward to our “street party” tea in the dining room at lunchtime. Keep an eye on our social media platforms for some special photographs from the occasion!
Study Leave
Next week has our older students leaving us for study leave and then the madness of the examination season is upon them. This is a challenging time for all involved and hopefully early preparation has set our students up to succeed well. I know the additional intervention sessions in school over the last few weeks will have helped provide that important insight into ‘hot topics’ and exam technique that is so useful come the big day. I wish all our students the best of luck!
Parents vs Staff Cricket Match
I would like to remind you of the Parents vs Staff Cricket Match on Friday 23 June. Please do join us if you can; I know the staff team is full of confidence but suspect it’s more bluster than actual coordinated talent (but don’t tell them I said that!). I think it will be a lovely evening of sporting fun and do hope you can either play yourselves or come and support both teams.
With Sports Days, leavers events and well deserved end of year reward trips to look forward to, I cannot wait to enjoy the final school term with you all.
You can read our latest newsletter here.
Mrs K Mackenzie, Head