Head’s Blog – 100th Edition of THiS Week
Friday 13 May 2022 | By System AdminI am so excited that this is our 100th Edition of THiS Week. I have always thought that our school newsletter is an amazing way to celebrate all of the fantastic activities and achievements that we accomplish here at THS. Having now published an incredible 100 editions, it shows the endless amounts of opportunities our students are able to experience each and every day.
After a busy start to the summer term, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all parents and students for your continued support throughout inspection week.
Study Leave Goodbyes
Today we say goodbye and good luck to our Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 students as they depart for study leave. I hope that you spend this time finalising your knowledge and preparing your notes, but most importantly, I hope that you look after yourselves and have plenty of rest as your examinations fast approach. To our Year 11 and 13 students who will not be returning after their examinations, I would like to say it has been a pleasure to watch you all grow over the years. Not all of our journeys have been plain sailing but sometimes life is messy. I am sorry to see you leave but I know that there are huge opportunities and adventures out there for you all. I wish you the best of luck in your examinations!
Upcoming Events
As we arrive in the final term of the academic year, I am thoroughly looking forward to the many events that we have lined up for our school and our wider community. The first event in our calendar is the PTA Family Quiz Night which will take place on Friday 10 June, 6.00pm – 8.00pm. Please come along and test your knowledge as this promises to be a fun-filled family night.
The showstopper event in our calendar this summer is the Platinum Jubilee Summer Fair which will take place on Saturday 18 June, 11.00am – 3.00pm. I am very pleased that this event has been able to make a return after two years of absence. The fair will honour the very best of British with traditional competitions such as a THS Bake Off, a craft-based Crown Competition, live music and much more!
With Sports Days, leavers events and well deserved end of year reward trips to look forward to, I cannot wait to enjoy the final school term with you all.
You can read our latest newsletter here.
Mrs K Mackenzie, Head