
Archive for 2021



Head’s Blog – Distance Learning Diary 12th February, 2021

A rather unusual – but no less enjoyable – half term draws to a close. As we approach a week away from school without the usual distractions a half term holiday would bring, it is a great time to reflect on the last six weeks – and what an unusual six weeks it has been. […]

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Addressing STEM subject statistics – Teesside High School Sixth Form 11th February, 2021

As the offers continue to come in for our university applicants, it is interesting to look at the STEM figures released by UCAS every year and reflect on these with our own students, who are about to encounter what they mean in reality. Laura in Year 13 is applying to read engineering at university. In […]

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Prep School children catch the reading bug! 2nd February, 2021

Children in the Prep School are thoroughly enjoying our new online reading platform, Bug Club. They have collectively read over 250 books in just three weeks so far! The importance of reading for children cannot be underestimated. Reading for pleasure can benefit a child’s social and cognitive development, their well-being and their mental health. Research […]

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Hands-on learning through lockdown – Creative Arts at THS 28th January, 2021

Not being in their usual practical learning environments has not stopped our Creative Arts students from excelling during lockdown. Lockdown Learning In Design Technology… Over the last two weeks, students in Years 7 and 8 have been working towards an entry for this year’s Design Ventura competition. A live brief set by the Design Museum, […]

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Head’s Blog – Distance Learning Diary 22nd January, 2021

I am so impressed with #teamTHS and our pupils’ approach and attitude to learning from home once again. Teesside High School students have shown fantastic spirit and expert resilience, approaching their distance learning with confidence. Parental feedback has been very positive; we have taken on board your comments from the first lockdown and boosted our […]

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Urgent announcement to parents – Monday 4 January 4th January, 2021

Following tonight’s announcement by the Prime Minister, all schools and colleges in England are being forced to close with immediate effect. With a heavy heart, this means that Teesside High School will only be open to vulnerable children and children of key workers from tomorrow. If you fall into this category, our key worker provision […]

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Save the date
Our next Open Day will take place on Saturday 21 September. Register your details to receive further information and a convenient time for a tour.