Teesside High School – Prep School Council – End of Year Update
Friday 09 July 2021 | By Samantha HockneyDespite the challenges of another period of lockdown, the Teesside High School Prep School Council have continued to work together throughout this academic year.
In the autumn term, the children took the opportunity to review our child-friendly anti-bullying policy. This was an important undertaking, and the children completed this task with diligence in order to ensure that all of the Prep School children know what to do in the unlikely event of them experiencing or witnessing a bullying incident. The children were then able to distribute these policy leaflets around all the Prep classes so that they could be displayed for future reference.
In the spring term, the children turned their attention to the importance of community and worked hard to produce an assembly for the rest of the Prep children. They thought carefully about the importance of community work to them as individuals and the benefits to the community. They were able to suggest some great ways to involve themselves in both the school and local community further. The children also overcame the challenge of distance learning and were able to complete a couple of meetings online to ensure that this assembly could be completed in a timely manner. This assembly was well received by the Prep School children who were able to appreciate many of the ways in which they could be involved. We are hoping to be able to move forward with some of these ideas in September, once we will be facing hopefully fewer Covid restrictions!
This term, the children have been thinking about how they can be more eco-friendly. They have considered the steps that our school have already taken in order to reduce our carbon footprint and agreed that we were moving forward in the right direction. The council representatives did however suggest that some recycling bins would be beneficial for the Prep playground to encourage the children to recycle the waste from their morning snacks. Mrs Williams agreed that this would be a good idea and so several members of the Council met with Mr Herbert to discuss the practicalities of installing these bins. Following this incredibly positive meeting, we will be ordering some recycling bins which will hopefully be in place for September.
I would like to thank all of the members of this year’s Prep School Council who have worked very well together and for the benefit of our school community. It has been a real pleasure to be able to be involved with such an enthusiastic and committed group of children. Next year’s representatives have a tough act to follow.
Well done to you all.
Mrs Kennedy