Last week of the autumn term – Head’s Blog
Friday 13 December 2024 | By Erin McKeownAs the autumn term comes to a close, it is a great opportunity to reflect and celebrate all of the fantastic moments the past few months have brought. It has been a wonderful term full of special times, memorable trips and events and a lot of hard work from our pupils.
The last two weeks have been packed with exciting festivities, from our Pre-Prep Nativity to our annual Winter Concert and so much more!
Mr Clarke presented ‘The THS Christmas Quiz’ on Monday which brought a whole range of fun, from asking students to guess which teachers preferred which presents, to seeing who could make themselves look most like a Christmas tree!
Yesterday marked Christmas Jumper Day where everybody enjoyed a delicious Christmas Dinner thanks to our fantastic catering team – they never disappoint! Following on from this, Years 7-13 assembled in the Main Hall to watch the Senior House Choir Competition. Although it was very close, Cleveland took the victory for the most angelic voices this year!
Last night marked our annual Winter Concert. It was a lovely evening that successfully showcased the talent of our pupils across all year groups and demonstrated their bravery for performing to such a large audience. Well done to all involved.
Christmas cheer has also been prominent in other parts of the school as Pre-Prep pupils performed their Nativity production to proud parents last week. It was a pleasure to watch this alongside our Early Years governor, Mr Charles Atha – it was both hilarious and heartwarming.
Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to all who provided any toy or food donations for Mission Christmas and Hebron Foodbank in recent weeks. I hope you will be super impressed by what our school family was able to contribute to our local community this Christmas. I, for one, am extremely proud.
I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Read our latest newsletter here.
Kirsty Mackenzie, Head